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Saturday Long Run


10-24 milers leaving from Gazelles HQ at 5:45am.

5-8 milers go from Gazelles HQ 6:30am.

Beginners go from Gazelles HQ 7:00am.


If you start earlier (or later) than your group's call time, please check with your pace pals to make sure your team is all starting at the same time. As always, if you start way before the scheduled start times, please take water to cover yourselves for that first water stop (or two) in case you're ahead of the logistical team. We're touring the out and back Shoal Creek route this week.

3 Miles: Your map is here. This is a clockwise Pfluger footbridge to Mopac trail loop.

4 Miles: Your map is here. This is a clockwise First St. bridge to Mopac trail loop.

5 Miles: Your map is here. This is a clockwise Congress bridge to Mopac trail loop.

7 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Right on Expo to LA Blvd. LA Blvd back to Mopac to north side trail, to GZLs HQ to finish.

8 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Left up Expo to Windsor. Turn around at Windsor. Return Expo down all the way to LA Blvd, skipping Enfield Triangle on the way back. LA Blvd back to Mopac to north side trail, to GZLs HQ to finish.

10 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Left up Expo to 35th. Turn around at 35th. Return Expo down all the way to LA Blvd, skipping Enfield Triangle on the way back. LA Blvd back to Mopac to north side trail, to GZLs HQ to finish.

12 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Left up Expo to 35th. Turn around at 35th. Return Expo down to Enfield. Right on Enfield out to LA Blvd. LA Blvd back to Mopac to southside trail and back to Pfluger footbridge. Cross back to GZLs HQ to finish.

13.7 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Left up Expo to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson after you cross bridge. Jackson up to Bull Creek. Turn around at Bull Creek, back to Jackson, to 35th. Over Mopac to Exposition. Expo down to Enfield. Right on Enfield out to LA Blvd. LA Blvd back to Mopac to southside trail and back to Pfluger footbridge. Cross back to GZLs HQ to finish.

16 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Cross to southside trail. SS trail over to Mopac. Mopac up to LA Blvd. LA Blvd out to Enfield. Enfield over to Exposition. Left up Expo to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson after you cross bridge. Jackson up to Bull Creek. Left on Bull Creek up to Hancock. Right on Hancock over to Shoal Creek. Turn around at Shoal Creek. Back Hancock to Bull Creek, down to Jackson, to 35th. Over Mopac to Exposition. Expo down to Enfield. Right on Enfield out to LA Blvd. LA Blvd back to Mopac to southside trail and back to Pfluger footbridge. Cross back to GZLs HQ to finish.

17.6 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Southside trail to Mopac. Veterans up to Lake Austin Blvd. Left on LA Blvd out to Enfield. Right on Enfield back to Exposition. Left on Expo up to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson at first light to Bull Creek. Left on Bull Creek up to Hancock. Right on Hancock to Shoal Creek. Shoal Creek left up to White Rock. Left on White Rock over to Great Northern. Turn around there, and retrace your steps all the way back to Exposition, skipping the Enfield Triangle on the way back. Take Exposition straight down to Lake Austin Blvd, to Mopac, and take southside trail back to Pfluger footbridge and over to GZLs HQ.

19.8 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Southside trail to Mopac. Veterans up to Lake Austin Blvd. Left on LA Blvd out to Enfield. Right on Enfield back to Exposition. Left on Expo up to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson at first light to Bull Creek. Left on Bull Creek up to Hancock. Right on Hancock to Shoal Creek. Shoal Creek left up to White Rock. Left on White Rock over to Great Northern. Right on Great Northern up to Carlisle. That's a couple streets north of the baseball fields. Turn around there, and retrace your steps all the way back to GZLs HQ. Exposition down to Enfield, out to Lake Austin Blvd, to Mopac, and take southside trail back to Pfluger footbridge and over to GZLs HQ.

22 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Southside trail to Mopac. Veterans up to Lake Austin Blvd. Left on LA Blvd out to Enfield. Right on Enfield back to Exposition. Left on Expo up to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson at first light to Bull Creek. Left on Bull Creek up to Hancock. Right on Hancock to Shoal Creek. Shoal Creek left up to White Rock. Left on White Rock over to Great Northern. Right on Great Northern up to Foster. Right on Foster to Shoal Creek. Turn around there, and retrace your steps all the way back to GZLs HQ. Exposition down to Enfield, out to Lake Austin Blvd, to Mopac, and take southside trail back to Pfluger footbridge and over to GZLs HQ.

23.8 Miles: Your map is here. Start at GZLs HQ. Southside trail to Mopac. Veterans up to Lake Austin Blvd. Left on LA Blvd out to Enfield. Right on Enfield back to Exposition. Left on Expo up to 35th. Right on 35th up and over Mopac. Left on Jackson at first light to Bull Creek. Left on Bull Creek up to Hancock. Right on Hancock to Shoal Creek. Shoal Creek left up to White Rock. Left on White Rock over to Great Northern. Right on Great Northern up to Foster. Right on Foster to Shoal Creek. Left on Shoal Creek up to the access road at 183. Turn around there, and retrace your steps all the way back to Exposition, skipping the Enfield Triangle on the way back. Take Exposition straight down to Lake Austin Blvd, to Mopac, and take southside trail back to Pfluger footbridge and over to GZLs HQ.


May 27th (M2B, Ottawa): Taper Madness last week. 8-12 miles, with last 4 @ MGP. Start relaxed, finish at MGP.  Start time 5:45am.

June 3rd (San Diego): Taper Madness week 2. 12-16 miles, with last 6 @ MGP. Start relaxed, finish at MGP.  Start time 5:45am.

June 10th (Light At The End Of The Tunnel): Taper Madness begins. 14-18 miles, with last 8 @ MGP. Start relaxed, finish at MGP.  Start time 5:45am.

June 16th (Grandma's): 20-24 miles. Add 1-2 miles to your last longer long run, up to that 24 mile max. Start time 5:45am.

July 14th (King Salmon): 16-20 miles. Add 1-2 miles to your last longer long run, up to that 20 mile max. Start time 5:45am.

July 29th (San Francisco): 14-18 miles. Add 1-2 miles to your last longer long run, up to that 18 mile max. Start time 5:45am.

August 19th (Tunnel Vision): 10-12 mile recovery long run. Back off a bit from last week. Start time 5:45am.


Beginner Gazelles!  This week, 3-7 miles. Choose a distance amongst your pace pals, up to that 7 mile max. Start time 7:00am.

Everybody Else (GZLs peeps): 7-12 miles. If you went 12 last week, maybe cut back to 7-10 this week. For anything else, add 1-2 miles to your last longer long run, up to that 12 mile mark. Start time 5:45am.

June 16th (Grandma's Half): 10-14 miles. Add 1-2 miles to your last longer long run, up to that 14 mile max.  Start time 5:45am.

June 23rd (Santa Barbara Half): 5-8 mile recovery long run. Start time 6:30am.

September 22nd (Seawheeze Half): 5-8 mile recovery long run. Start time 6:30am.


1. Mopac water fountains (make sure and take a sip on way out)
2. Enfield @ Exposition (SW corner by baseball sign)
3. Jackson @ Bull Creek (Grassy side by park)
4. Shoal Creek @ White Rock (at corner)
5. Shoal Creek @ Foster (NW corner)


Earlier Event: May 18
Strength & Core