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Fartlek: with 10 - 20 x 1 min hard 1 min easy plus warm up and cool down

5:30 AM: Meet at Gazelles

Far West, 5:30 AM: Meet at Ready to Run

7:30 AM: Meet at Gazelles

9:15 AM: Meet at Gazelles

Youth, 5:00 PM: Meet at Austin High for 6 - 10 x 200m, jog back to start as recovery

Strength & Core: 5:30 PM at Gazelles with Leslie

Disney: 5 Mile Fartlek

Houston / Louisiana: Yasso 800's

Houston Half: Yasso 800's

3M Half: Continuous 1000s

Note: For the following marathons, if pace run wasn't done on Monday or Tuesday, do that in place of fartlek:

Austin: 8 miles at MGP

Austin Half: 4-6 miles at HMGP

Napa / New Orleans: 6 miles at MGP

Big D: 4-6 miles at MGP