tips for a successful race

In the last couple of weeks before your race, don’t let anxiety and panic get the better of you. Take a deep breath and read through this list and get prepared for race day:

  1. Congratulate yourself. Take a moment to celebrate the journey of getting to the starting line and be thankful for all those who supported you along the way.

  2. Stay Strong. Stick with your training regimen until race day and do not over eat, over rest or over run.

  3. Rehearsal Run: About one week out, do a dress rehearsal: get up early, dress in the clothes you’ve chosen for your race, eat your planned breakfast and run. Make sure your clothes feel good and the food works well for you.

  4. Race Strategy: Think about your race just like a long run—but with a crowd! We recommend dividing the race into segments: a conservative start, settle into pace for the middle and then a strong finish. This is similar to the MARCO method.

  5. *If You’re Traveling: Pack thoughtfully and bring gear for all weather conditions. Forecasts can change. Don’t forget things like band aids, anti-chafe stick, hat, gloves, etc. Double check your bags. Locate a grocery store and/or make pre-race dinner reservations in advance.

  6. Meals: Your pre-race dinner and race day breakfast should not be anything different than what you’ve been eating during training. Do not experiment. Eat breakfast 1-2 hours before the race.

  7. Race Expo: Don’t spend unnecessary time on your feet before race day. Go through the expo, get your bib and move on.

  8. Race Day: Know where you will be parking—and have a plan B. Plan on getting to the start line early. Have your gear bag packed with everything you will need before and after the race.

  9. Bathrooms: If possible, use your own bathroom. Otherwise, allow extra time for lines at the porta-pottys.

  10. Race Hydration: Identify the types of hydration on course and the station locations. Try to drink 4-6 oz. every half hour for the full marathon. Don’t gulp it down, carry it and sip.

  11. Race Nutrition: Follow the same nutrition strategy you’ve been practicing during training. Full marathoners should consider taking nutrition every 45 minutes.

  12. Run With Joy! This is the most important thing to remember. Have fun!